PhD Students

PhD from Warsaw University
  1. A. Trautman
  2. W. Tulczyiew
  3. S. Bażański
  4. R. Michalska-Trautman
  5. A. Sym
  6. A. Krasiński
  7. J. Kowalczyński
  8. K. Rózga
PhD from Universities of Warsaw and Brno, Czechoslovakia
  1. J. Slavic
OTHER PhD students
  1. Laura Morales (CIEA-IPN)
  2. Gustavo López (UNAM)
  3. A.R. Guzmán Sánchez
  4. Héctor García Compean

PhD from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the IPN, Mexico
  1. B. Mielnik
  2. R. Pellicer
  3. Alarcón Gutiérrez
  4. G. Torres del Castillo

Master students

During the time Plebański worked at the University of Warsaw, he was the thesis director “magister” (equivalent to the Master’s), managing an average of 3 theses per year, that is, a total of 30 “magisters” within which they stand out some whose results were published in important journals.

Master students in Poland
  1. A. Trautman
  2. I. Białynicki-Birula
  3. Z. Z. Wiatr Białynicka
  4. R. Michalska-Trautman
  5. J. Ryteń-Robinson
  6. B. Mielnik
  7. A. Krasiński
  8. A. Sobiczewski
  9. A. Jamiołkowski
Master students in Mexico
  1. R. Pellicer
  2. S. Alarcón-Gutiérrez
  3. Gerardo Torres del Castillo
  4. Enrique Daltwit
  5. José Warman
  6. Samuel Alcántara
  7. Fermin Viniegra
  8. L. Palacios Moron
  9. M. Muñoz
  10. Rubén Sánchez S.
  11. Francisco Turrubiates
  12. Héctor Uriarte