Warszawa, 25 – 31.07.1962, from the left Jerzy Plebański, Paul Dirac in front of the Polish Academy of Science. Nieborow, photo taken before Jablonna conference in 1962. From the right Leopold Infeld and Jerzy Plebański. Jabłonna, 25 – 31.07.1962, from left: Jerzy Plebański, Leopold Infeld. Jerzy Plebański Jerzy Plebański and Leopold Infeld. Jabłonna, 25 – 31.07.1962, Richard Phillips Feynman Jabłonna, 25 – 31.07.1962, from left: Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, Leopold Infeld, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fock.
More photos from the conference can be found here.