Go to publications from years:
- J. Plebański, Nonlinear electrodynamics and elementary laws, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl. III, I, 34 (1953).
- J. Plebański, Prawo elementarne I elekrodynamika nieliniowa, in Materiały z Konferencji Fizyków w Spale, 311 (1953) (in Polish).
- J. Plebański, On proofs of uniqueness for some hyperbolic differential equations of theoretical physics, Acta Phys. Polon. XII, 230 (1953) (in German).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, Electrodynamics without potentials I, Proc. Roy. Soc. A222, 224 (1954) (Presented by P.A.M. Dirac).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, Electrodynamics without potentials II, Acta Phys. Polon. XII, 124 (1954).
- J. Plebański, D. Bohm’s laws concerning interpretation of quantum theory with the use of hidden parameters, in Materiały z Konferencji Fizyków w Spale (PWN, Warszawa, 1954) pp. 73-76 (in Polish).
- J. Plebański, Supplement to L. Infeld’s lecture on electrodynamics without potentials, in Materiały z Konferencji Fizyków w Spale (PWN, Warszawa, 1954) pp. 302-304 (in Polish).
- J. Plebański, Elementary law and nonlinear electrodynamics, in Materiały z Konferencji Fizyków w Spale (PWN, Warszawa, 1954) pp. 311-313 (in Polish).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, Electrodynamics without potentials, Proc. Roy. Soc. (England) A222, 224 (1954).
- J. Plebański, Classical properties of oscillator wave packets, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl.III, II, 213 (1954).
- J. Plebański, On the possibility of causal interpretation of quantum mechanics, Nauka Polska 4, 85 (1954) (in Polish).
- J. Plebański and J. Werle, On interpretations of quantum mechanics, Myśl Filozoficzna 2, 39 (1954) (in Polish).
- J. Plebański, On certain wave-packets, Acta Phys. Polon. XIV, 275 (1955).
- R. Gajewski and J. Plebański, On materialistic contents of Albert Einstein’s physics, Myśl Filozoficzna 5-6, 32 (1955) (in Polish).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, On a certain class of unitary transformations, Acta Phys. Polon. XIV, 41 (1955).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, Unitary transformations and spinor calculus, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl. III, III, 95 (1955).
- R. Kulikowski and J. Plebański, The optimum frequency characteristics of dynamic linear circuits, Archiwum Elektrotechniki, IV, 347 (1955) (in Polish).
- R. Kulikowski and J. Plebaliski, Minimum stochastic signal distortions in low noise level circuits, Archiwum Elektrotechniki, IV, 435 (1955) (in Polish).
- R. Kulikowski and J. Plebański, Optimum characteristics of linear pulse systems, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl.IV, III, 23 (1955).
- J. Plebański and J. Sawicki, Remarks on the relativistic two-body problem in the classical scalar meson field theory, Acta Phys. Polon. XIV , 455 (1955).
- J. Plebański, Wave functions of a harmonic oscillator, Phys. Rev. 101, 1825 (1956).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, On an operational method of solving the Klein-Gordon equation, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl.III, IV, 215 (1956).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, A simple derivation of the equations of motion in classical electrodynamics, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl.III, IV, 347 (1956).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, On modified Dirac 8-functions, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl.III, IV, 687 (1956).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, On a covariant formulation of the equations of motion, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl.III, IV, 757 (1956).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, On the “dipole procedure” in general relativity theory, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl. III, IV, 763 (1956).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, Expansion of singular functions associated with Klein-Gordon equation, Acta Phys. Polon. XV, 207 (1956).
- K. Bochenek and J. Plebański, On a certain optical interpretation of the Helmholtz equation, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl.IV, IV, 179 (1956).
- 1956XXe1 K. Bochenek and J. Plebański, On methods of microwave optics, Archiwum Elektrotechniki , V, 293 (1956) (in Polish).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, On a further modification of Dirac’s δ-functions, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Cl. III, V, 51 (1957).
- J. Plebański, On spin of τ-meson, Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 118, 65 (1958) (in Russian).
- Thesis “Functional representation of the state vector in the quantum field theory”, (ph.D), thesis director Prof. W. Rubinowicz (1954).
- J. Plebański and S. Bażański, The general Fokker action principle and its application in general relativity theory, Acta Phys. Polon. XVIII,307 (1959).
- J. Plebański, Electromagnetic waves in gravitational fields, Phys. Rev. 118, 1396 (1960).
- H. M. Fried and J. Plebański, A remark on the theory of fermions with higher order derivatives, Il Nuovo Cimento 18, 884 (1960).
- B. Bertotti and J. Plebański, Theory of gravitational perturbations in the fast motion approximation, Ann. Phys. 11, 169 (1960).
- P. Havas and J. Plebański, Relativistic dynamics and Newtonian causality, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. II 5, 433 (1960).
- L. Infeld and J. Plebański, Motion and Relativity (Pergamon Press, New York, and PWN, Warszawa, 1960)
- J. Plebański and J. Ryteń, Projections as observables, Acta Phys. Polon. XX,765 (1961).
- J. Plebański and J. Ryteń, Coordinate conditions, J. Math. Phys. 2, 677 (1961).
- J. Plebański, On algebraical properties of skew tensors, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Série Math. Astr. Phys. IX, 587 (1961).
- J. Plebański, On some applications of algebraical properties of skew tensors, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Série Math. Astr. Phys. IX, 593 (1961).
- S. Bażański and J. Plebański, Time, space, gravity and micro-physics, Studia Filozoficzne, 4, 3 (1961) (in Polish).
- B. Mielnik and J. Plebański, A study of geodesic motion in the field of Schwarzschild’s solution, Acta Phys. Polon. XXI, 239 (1962).
- J. Plebański, Spherically symmetric worlds as embedded in a flat space, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Série Math. Astr. Phys. IX, 373 (1962).
- C. Pellegrini and J. Plebański, Tetrad fields and gravitational fields, Nordita Publications No. 94, Mat. Fys. Skr. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 2, no. 4 (Nordita, København, 1963).
- J. Plebański, S. Bażański, B. Mielnik, and J. Ryteń, Known and Unknown. Essays on Theoretical Physics (Iskry, Warszawa, 1963) (in Polish).
- J. Plebański, Tetrads and conservations laws, in Proceedings of Theory of Gravitation Conference in Warszawa and Jabłonna 25-31 July 1962, ed. L. Infeld (Gauthier-Villars, Paris and PWN, Warszawa, 1964), pp. 45-54.
- J. Plebański, The algebraic structure of the tensor of matter, Acta Phys. Polon. XXVI, 963 (1964).
- J. Plebański, Tensorial matrices, Rev. Mex. Hs. XIII, 145 (1964).
- J. Plebański, Notes from Lectures on General Relativity (Monograph of Cinvestav, México, 1964).
- J. Plebański, Lectures on General Relativistic Spinors I-II (Calculus and Analysis) (Monograph of Cinvestav, México, 1964).
- J. Plebański, Notes from Lectures on Quantum Mechanical Operators (Monograph of Cinvestav, México, 1964).
- J. Plebański, The “vectorial” optics of fields with arbitrary spin, rest-mass zero, Acta Phys. Polon. XXVII, 361 (1965).
- J. Plebański, Conformal geodesic deviations I, Acta Phys. Polon. XXVIII,141 (1965).
- J. Plebański, Lorentz equations in spinorial form, in Perspectives in Geometry and Relativity. Essays in Honor of Václav Hlavatý, ed. B. Hoffman (Indiana University Press, Bloomington and London, 1966), pp 310-317.
- J. Plebański, Non-linear Electrodynamics. A study (Monograph of Cinvestav, México, 1966).
- J. Plebański, On the Generators of the N-dimensional Pseudo-unitary and Pseudo-orthogonal Groups (Monograph of Cinvestav, México, 1966).
- J. Plebański, On Conformally Equivalent Riemannian Spaces (Monograph of Cinvestav, México, 1967).
- J. Plebański and J. Stachel, Einstein tensor and spherical symmetry, J. Math. Phys. 9, 269 (1968).
- I. Białynicki-Birula, B. Mielnik, and J. Plebański, Explicit solution of the continuous Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff problem and a new expression for the phase operator, Ann. Phys. 51, 187 (1969).
- J. Plebański, Poisson brackets and commutators, (preprint No. 69, Institute of Physics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toruń, 1969)
- B. Mielnik and J. Plebański, Combinatorial approach to Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff exponents, Ann. Inst. Henri PoincaréXII,215 (1970).
- J. Plebański, Lectures on non-linear electrodynamics (Nordita, Copenhagen, 1970).
- J. Plebański, Symmetric tensors and the trace operator, Reports on Math. Phys. 1, 87 (1970).
- J. Plebański, A class of solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations with the cosmological constant, in Gravitational Radiation and Gravitational Collapse ed. C. De Witt-Morette (Reidel, Holland, 1974) pp 188-190.
- J. F. Plebański, A class of solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations, Ann. Phys. 90, 196 (1975).
- J. F. Plebański, Type-D metrics, Ann. Acad. Sci. (NY) 262, 246 (1975).
- S. Hacyan and J. F.Plebański, Some type III solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 14, 319 (1975).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Demiański, Rotating, charged, and uniformly accelerating mass in general relativity, Ann. Phys. 98, 98 (1976).
- J. Plebański, Spinors, Tetrads, and Forms (Monograph of Cinvestav, México, 1975).
- J. F. Plebański and A. Schild, Complex relativity and double KS metrics, Il Nuovo Cimento B 35, 35 (1976).
- 1975XX65 J. F. Plebański, Some solutions of complex Einstein equations, J. Math. Phys. 16, 2395 (1975).
- J. F. Plebański, Null geodesic surfaces and Goldberg-Sachs theorem in complex Riemannian spaces, J. Math. Phys. 16, 2403 (1975).
- J.D. Finley III and J. F. Plebański, Further heavenly metrics and their symmetries, J. Math. Phys. 17, 585 (1976).
- J. F. Plebański and I.Robinson, Left-degenerate vacuum metrics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 493 (1976).
- S. Hacyan and J. Plebański, Some basic properties of Killing spinors, J. Math. Phys. 17, 2203 (1976).
- J. D. Finley III and J. F. Plebański, The intrinsic spinorial structure of hyperheavens, J. Math. Phys. 17, 2207 (1976).
- C. P. Boyer and J. F. Plebański, Heavens and their integrals manifolds, J. Math. Phys. 18, 1022 (1977).
- E. Schmutzer and J. Plebański, Quantum mechanics in non-inertial frames of reference, Fortschritte der Physik 25, 37 (1977).
- F. J. Ernst and J. F Plebański, Killing structures and complex ε-potentials, Ann. Phys. 107, 266 (1977).
- J. F. Plebański and I. Robinson, Left degenerate vacuum metrics, Phys. Rev. Lett., 37, (9), (August 1976), 493-495.
- J. F. Plebański and I. Robinson, The complex vacuum metric with minimally degenerated conformal structure, in Asymptotic Structure of Space-Time, eds. F. P. Esposito and L. Witten (Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 1977) pp. 361-406.
- J. Plebański and I. Robinson, Complex space-time with null strings, in Proceedings of the Cinquieme Colloque International sur les Methodes de la Theorie des Groupes en Physique, Montreal, July 1976 (Academic Press, New York, 1977).
- A. García, J. F. Plebański, and I. Robinson, Null strings and complex Einstein-Maxwell fields with cosmological constant, Gen. Relativ. Grav. 8, 841-854 (1977).
- A. García D. and J. F. Plebański, Seven parametric type-D solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations in the basic left-degenerate representation, Il Nuovo Cimento Série 11 40 B, 224 (1977).
- J. K. Kowalczyński and J. F. Plebański, A few properties of a certain class of degenerate space-times, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 16, 357 (1977).
- J. K. Kowalczyriski and J. F. Plebański, Metric and Ricci tensors for a certain class of spacetimes of D type, Int. J. Th,or. Phys. 16, 371 (1977).
- J. D. Finley III and J. F. Plebański, Spinorial structure and electromagnetic hyperheavens, J. Math. Phys. 18, 1662 (1977).
- S. Hacyan and J. F. Plebański, D(1,0) killing structures and ε potentials, J. Math. Phys. 18, 1517 (1977).
- J. F. Plebański, On the separation of Einsteinian substructures, J. Math. Phys. 18, 2511-2520 ( 1977).
- J. Stachel and J. Plebański, Classical particles with spin. I. The WKBJ approximation, J. Math. Phys. 18, 2368 (1977).
- J. K. Kowalczyński and J.F. Plebański, Properties of a solution of the Einstein equations with the cosmological constant, Acta Phys. Polon. B 8, 196 (1977).
- P. Havas and J. Plebański, Conformal extensions of the Galileo group and their relation to the Schrödinger group, J. Math. Phys. 19, 482 (1978).
- A. P. Boyer and J. F. Plebański, General relativity and G-structures I. General theory and algebraically degenerate spaces, Rep. Math. Phys. 14, 111 (1978).
- J. D. Finley IIIand J. F. Plebański, Killing vectors in plane HH spaces, J. Math. Phys. 19, 760 (1978).
- J. F. Plebański and I. Robinson, Electromagnetic and gravitational Hertz potentials, J. Math. Phys. 19, 2350 (1978).
- J. F. Plebański, Type N solutions of Gµν = –ρkµkνwith null kµ(preprint Cinvestav, 1978).
- J. F. Plebański, Albert Einstein; en el centenario de su nacimiento, Ciencia y Desarrollo, No.25 (Mach-April 1979), 5-13.
- S. Alarcón G., F.J. Ernst, J. F. Plebański, On the construction of torsion theories of gravitation, preprint by Cinvestav, México (March 1978).
- J. F. Plebański and O. Obregón, Perspectivas en la Biología y en la Naturaleza; Revista Naturaleza, compiled by Luis Estrada and Jorge Flores, Relatividan y la Gravitación, 57-69 (1978F).
- J. F. Plebański and S. Hacyan, Some exceptional electrovac type D-metrics with cosmological constant, J. Math. Phys. 20, 1004 (1979).
- J. F. Plebański, The algebra generated by Hodge’s star and external differential, J. Math. Phys. 20, 1415 (1979).
- J. D. Finley III and J. F. Plebański, The classification of all Ηspaces admitting a Killing vector, J. Math. Phys. 20, 1938 (1979).
- J. F. Plebański, The nondiverging and nontwisting type D electrovac solutions with λ, J. Math. Phys. 20, 1946 (1979).
- M. Przanowski and J. F. Plebański, Generalized Goldberg-Sachs theorems in complex and real space-times. I,Acta Phys. Polon. B 10, 485 (1979).
- M. Przanowski and J. F. Plebański, Generalized Goldberg-Sachs theorems in complex and real space-times II , Acta Phys. Polon. B 10, 573 (1979).
- A. L. Dudley and J. F. Plebański, Some results concerned with real and complex Einstein dynamics, Kinam 1, 205 (1979).
- A. Krasiński and J. Plebański, n-dimensional complex Riemann-Einstein spaces with 0 (n-1, C)as the symmetry group, Rep.Math. Phys. 17, 217 (1980).
- J. F. Plebański and T. H. Seligman, Partial isometries and quotient structures in Hilbert spaces, Rep. on Math. Phys. 17, 437 (1980).
- B. P. Boyer, J. D. Finley III, and J. F. Plebański, Complex general relativity, Η and Η Η spaces- a survey of one approach, in General Relativity and Gravitation. Einstein Memorial Volume, ed. A. Held (Plenum, New York, 1980) vol. 2, pp. 241-281.
- A. García D. and J. F. Plebański, Some type-G solution of electrovac equations, Il Nuovo Cimento B 55, 52 (1980).
- J. F. Plebański, Group of diagonal empty space-times, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 303 (1980).
- H. Salazar I, A. García D. and J. F. Plebański, Simetrias de las soulciones de tipo N sin rotatcion, Boletin 6, XXIII Congreso S.M.F., (1980), p.83.
- A. García D. and J. F. Plebański, Soluciones de tipo D de orbitas nulas como transicion limite de las solutiones Demiański-Plebański, Boletin 4, XXIV Congreso S.M.F.,(1981), p.58.
- A. García D. and J. F. Plebański, Metricas Multiexponenciales, Boletin 4, XXIV Congreso S.M.F.,(1981), p.55.
- La funcion clave para espacios ΗΗ degenerados por la derecha, Boletin 4, XXIV Congreso S.M.F.,(1981), p.219.
- J. D. Finley III and J. F. Plebański, All algebraically degenerate Η spaces, viaΗ Η spaces, J. Math. Phys. 22, 667 (1981).
- A. García Díaz and J. F. Plebański, All non-twisting N’s with cosmological constant, J. Math. Phys. 22, 2655 (1981).
- S. Alarcón Gutierrez, A. L. Dudley, and J. F. Plebański, Signals and discontinuities in general relativistic nonlinear electrodynamics, J. Math. Phys. 22, 2835 (1981).
- A. García Díaz and J. F. Plebański, An exceptional type D shearing twisting electrovac with λ, J. Math. Phys. 23, 123 (1982).
- J. F. Plebański and A. García D., Multiexponent Weyl metrics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1447 (1982).
- J. F. Plebański and G. F. Torres del Castillo, Η Η spaces with an algebraically degenerate right side, J. Math. Phys. 23, 1349 (1982).
- A. García D. and J. F. Plebański, Solutions of type D possessing a group with null orbits as contractions of the seven-parameter solution, J. Math. Phys. 23, 1463 (1982).
- H. Salazar I, A. García D., and J. F. Plebański, Symmetries of the nontwisting type-N solutions with cosmological constant, J. Math. Phys. 24, 2191 (1982).
- C. B. Boyer and J. F. Plebański, Conformally self-dual spaces and Maxwell’s equations, Phys. Lett. A 106, 125 (1984).
- J. F. Plebański, Grassmann-Cartan algebra and Klein-Gordon equations, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 23, 895 (1984).
- J. F. Plebański and K. Rózga, The optics of null strings, J. Math. Phys. 25, 1930 (1984).
- C. L. Pursey and J. F. Plebański, Symmetries of the Dirac equation, Phys. Rev. D 29, 1848 (1984).
- C. P. Boyer and J. F. Plebański, An infinite hierarchy of conservation laws and nonlinear superposition principles for self-dual Einstein spaces, J. Math. Phys. 26, 229 (1985).
- C. F. Torres del Castillo and J. F. Plebański, Some simple type D solutions to the Einstein equations with sources, J. Math. Phys. 26, 477 (1985).
- C. Salazar I., A. García D., and J.F. Plebański, Duality rotations and type D solutions of Einstein-Born-Infeld theory, Astron. Nachr. 307, 327 (1986)
- J. F. Plebański and L. E. Morales, Exceptional D-type solutions to Einstein’s equations with nonlinear electromagnetic sources and λ, II Nuovo Cimento B 92, 61 (1986).
- J. F. Plebański, On conformally flat spaces and cosmological models, in Gravitation and Geometry. A Volume in Honour of Ivor Robinson, eds. W. Rindler and A. Trautman (Bibliopolis, Naples, 1987) pp. 363-386
- C. Salazar I., A. García D., and J. Plebański, Duality rotations and type D solutions to Einstein equations with nonlinear electromagnetic sources, J. Math. Phys. 28, 2171 (1987).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, Generalizations of the quaternion algebra and Lie algebras, J. Math. Phys. 29, 529 (1988).
- J. Plebański, Wronskians, geometry, and some general solutions to the nonlinear Liouville-like PDS’s, J. Math. Phys. 29, 2162 (1988).
- J. Plebański, Compartiendo las Experiencias Sobre la Metodologia de Buenas y Malas Platicas, (Opinion didactica), Elementos, Num.10 ano 3, vol.2 (1988), Impreso en México.
- J. F. Plebański, Albert Einstein: Perfiles y Perspectivas, Rodriguez/Hojman (compiladores), UNAM, Editorial Nueva Imagen. Hojas 17-35, 75-88.
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, Notes on a cross product of vectors, J. Math. Phys. 29, 2334 (1988).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, Null tetrad, spinor and helicity formalisms for all 4-dimensional Riemannian manifolds I. Null tetrads and spinors, Acta Phys. Polon. B 19, 805 (1988).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, On the structure of associative algebras with conjugation, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 33, 1 (1988).
- J. F. Plebański and J. D. Finley III, On linear unitary transformations of two canonical variables, J. Math. Phys. 30, 993 (1989).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, Two-sided conformally recurrent four-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, J. Math. Phys. 30, 2101 (1989).
- H. Salazar Ibarguen, A. García, and J. Plebański, Signals in nonlinear electrodynamics invariant under duality rotations, J. Math. Phys. 30, 2689 (1989).
- J. F. Plebański and K. Rózga, Congruences of totally geodesic surfaces, Class. Quantum Gray. 6, 349 (1989).
- A. R. Guzman Sanchez, M. Przanowski, and J. Plebański, Stable classification of the energy-momentum tensor. Summary, Rev. Mex. Ns. 36 51, 5159 (1990).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, The n-dimensional classical Kepler’s problem ‘without integration’, Rev. Mex. Fís. 36, 465 (1990).
- J. F. Plebański and L. Palacios-Moron, A class of type D metrics, Acta Phys. Polon. B 21, 517 (1990).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, Comments on twisting type N vacuum equations, Phys. Lett. A 152, 257 (1991).
- A. R. Guzmán Sánchez, J. F. Plebański, and M. Przanowski, Deformations of algebraic types of the energy-momentum tensor, J. Math. Phys. 32, 2839 (1991).
- J. Plebański, M. Muñoz, and T. Matos, Some topological questions on metrics of D type, Rev. Mex. Fís. 38, 1005 (1992).
- J.D. Finley III and J.F. Plebański, Equations for twisting, type-N, vacuum Einstein spaces without a need for Killing vectors, J. Geom. Phys. 8, 173 (1992).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, On Rainich-Misner-Wheeler conditions in nonlinear electrodynamics, in Symmetries in Physics. Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Honor of Profesor Marcos Moshinsky, Cocoyoc, Morelos, México, June 3-7, 1991, eds. A. Frank and K. B. Wolf (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992) pp 213- 221.
- R. Capovilla and J. Plebański, Some exact solutions of the Einstein field equations in terms of the self-dual spin connection, J. Math. Phys. 34, 130 (1993).
- J. D. Finley III, J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and H. García-Compeán, The Cauchy-Kovalevski form for the second heavenly equation, Phys. Lett. A 181, 435 (1993).
- J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski and H. Garcia-Compeán. Departamento de Fisica, CINVESTAV-IPN, México, D.F. México.
- A. García-Díaz, J. F. Plebański, and N. R. Sibgatullin, On the absence of the Painlevé property in Petrov type III Robinson-Trautman solutions, J. Math. Phys. 34, 4755 (1993).
- A. García, J. Plebański, and N. Sibgatullin, That inexhaustible Robinson-Trauman, JETP Moscow St. Univ. 77, 14 (1993).
- R. H. Boyer and J. F. Plebański, Conformal curvature and spherical symmetry, Rev. Mex. Fís. 39, 870 (1993).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, Duality transformations in electrodynamics, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 33, 1535 (1994).
- J. D. Finley III, J. F. Plebański, and M. Przanowski, Third-order ODEs for twisting type-N vacuum solutions, Class. Quantum Gray. II, 157-166 (1994).
- T. Matos and J. Plebański, Axisymmetric stationary solutions as harmonic maps, Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 26, 477 (1994).
- C. E. Morales, J. F. Plebański, and M. Przanowski, Cauchy-Kovalevskaya form of the hyperheavenly equations with the cosmological constant, Rev. Mex. Pis. 40, 392 (1994).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, Evolution hyperheavenly equations, J. Math. Phys. 35, 5990 (1994).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, From self-dual Yang-Mills fields to self-dual gravity, Acta Phys. Polon. B 25, 1079 (1994).
- H. García-Compeán, J. F. Plebański, and M. Przanowski, On self-dual gravity structures on ground ring manifolds in two-dimensional string theory, Rev. Mex. Ffs. 40, 547 (1994).
- J. F. Plebański, H. García-Compeán, and A. García-Díaz, Real Einstein spaces constructed via linear superposition of complex gravitational fields: the concrete case of non-twisting type N solutions, Class. Quantum Gray. 12, 1093 (1995).
- J. F. Plebański, An embedding of a Schwarzschild black hole in terms of elementary functions, Acta Phys. Polon. B 26, 875 (1995).
- J. F. Plebański and H. García-Compeán, A note on weak Η-spaces heavenly equations and their evolution weak heavenly equations, Acta Phys. Polon. B 26, 3 (1995).
- J. F. Plebański and H. García-Compeán, A q-deformed version of the heavenly equations, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 10, 3371 (1995).
- J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, B. Rajca, and J. Tosiek, The Moyal deformation of the second heavenly equation, Acta Phys. Polon. B 26, 889 (1995).
- H. García-Compeán, L. E. Morales, and J. F. Plebański, A Hopf algebra structure in self-dual gravity, Rev. Mex. Fís. 42, 695 (1996).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, The universal covering of heavenly equations via Weyl-Wigner-Moyal formalism, in Gravitation, Electromagnetism and Geometrical Structures. For the 80th Birthday of A. Lichnerowicz, Villa Truscolana-Frascati (Roma). October 19-23, 1995, ed. G. Ferrarese (Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 1996) pp. 15-35.
- J. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and H. García-Compeán, From principal chiral model to self-dual gravity, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 11, 663 (1996).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, The Lagrangian of a self-dual gravitational field as a limit of the SDYM Lagrangian, Phys. Lett. A 212, 22 (1996).
- J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and J. Tosiek, The Weyl-Wigner-Moyal formalism. II. The Moyal bracket, Acta Phys. Polon. B 27, 1961 (1996).
- H. García-Compeán, J. F. Plebański, and M. Przanowski, Further remarks on the chiral model approach to self-dual gravity, Phys. Lett. A 219, 249 (1996).
- J. F. Plebański and H. García-Compeán, The Lagrangian for a causal curve, Rev. Mex. Fís. 43, 634 (1997).
- H. García-Compeán, L.E. Morales and J. F. Plebański, Superposition of Self-dual and anti-self-dual sectors in the topology changing amplitudes, preprint CINVESTAV-Fis 02/95.
- J. F. Plebański and H. García-Compeán, Once again some solutions of complex Einstein equations, preprint CINVESTAV-Fis 04/95.
- H. García-Compeán and J. F. Plebański, On the Weyl-Wigner-Moyal description of SU(∞) Nahm equations, Phys. Lett. A 234, 5 (1997).
- J. D. Finley III, J. F. Plebański, and M. Przanowski, An iterative approach to twisting and diverging free, type-N, vacuum Einstein equations: a (third-order) resolution of Stephani’s ‘paradox’, Class. Quantum Gray. 14, 489 (1997).
- J. F. Plebański, R. G. Moreno, and F. J. Turrubiates, Differential forms, Hopf algebra and general relativity. I, Acta Phys. Polon. B 28, 1515 (1997).
- H. García-Compeán, J. F. Plebański, and N. Quiroz-Pèrez, On the reduced SU(N) gauge theory in the Weyl-Wigner Moyal formalism, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 13, 2089-2102 (1998).
- H.García-Compeán, J.F. Plebański, and M. Przanowski, Geometry associated with self-dual Yang-Mills and the chiral model approaches to self-dual gravity, Acta Phys. Polon. B 29, 549 (1998).
- H. García-Compeán, O. Obregón, J.F. Plebański, and C. Ramirez (? J. Socorro), Towards a gravitational analogue to S duality in non-Abelian gauge theories,Phys. Rev. D 57, 7501 (1998).
- J. F. Plebański, S.A. Gutiérrez and F.J. Ernst, Enviado a la Revista Mexicana de Fisica, (1997).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, A new version of the heavenly equation, in On Einstein’s Path. Essays in Honor of Engelbert Schucking ed. A. Harvey (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999) pp. 381-405.
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, Hermite-Einstein four-dimensional manifolds with symmetry, Class. Quantum Gray. 15, 1721-1735 (1998).
- J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and S. Formański, Linear superposition of two type-N nonlinear gravitons, Phys. Lett. A 246, 25 (1998).
- C. Castro and J. Plebański, The generalized Moyal-Nahm and continuous Moyal-Toda equations, J. Math. Phys. 40, 3738 (1999).
- J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and F. J. Turrubiates, Weyl-Underhill-Emmrich quantization and the Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer, J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen. 33, 795 (2000).
- H. García-Compeán, J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and F. J. Turrubiates, Deformation quantization of bosonic strings, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 7935 (2000).
- J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, J. Tosiek, and F. J. Turrubiates, Remarks on deformation quantization on the cylinder, Acta Phys. Polon. B 31, 561 (2000).
- P. Nurowski and J. F. Plebański, Non-vacuum twisting type-N metrics, Class. Quantum Gray. 18, 341 (2001).
- H. García-Compeán and J. F. Plebański, D-branes on group manifolds and deformation quantization, Nucl. Phys. B 618, 81 (2001).
- H. García-Compeán, J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and F. J. Turrubiates, Deformation quantization of classical fields, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 14, 2533 (2001).
- J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and F. J. Turrubiates, Induced symplectic connection on the phase space, Acta Phys. Polon. B 32, 3-15 (2001).
- C. Przanowski, J. F. Plebański, and S. Formański, Integrability of SDYM equations for the Moyal bracket Lie algebra in Exact Solutions and Scalar Fields in Gravity: Recent Developments. Proceedings of Mexican Meeting in Honor of Heinz Dehnen’s 65th Birthday and Dietrich Kramer’s 60th Birthday México City, October 1-6, 2000, eds. A. Macías, J. L.Cervantes-Cota, and C. Lämmerzahl (Kluwer Academic, Plenum Publishers, New York, 2001) pp. 77-87
- C. Przanowski, J. F. Plebański, and S. Formański, Deformation quantization of SDiff(Σ2) SDYM equation, in Developments in Mathematical and Experimental Physics. – Vol. A. Cosmology and Gravitation. Proceedings of the First Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics, September 10-14, 2001, in México City, México, eds. A. Macías, F. Uribe, and E. Díaz (Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 2002) pp. 201213
- H.García-Comperin, J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski and F. J. Turrubiates, Deformation quantization of geometric quantum mechanics, J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen. 35, 4301 (2002).
- J. F. Plebański, M. Przanowski, and F. J. Turrubiates, Matrix representation of the generalized Moyal algebra, Acta Phys. Polon. B 33, 575 (2002).
- J. F. Plebański and M. Przanowski, On vacuum twisting type-N again, in Revisiting the Foundations of Relativistic Physics . Festschrift in Honor of John Stachel, eds. A. Ashtekar et al. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003) pp. 361-373
- J. Plebański and A. Krasinski, An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006).
- “Notes from lectures on general relativity, Part I: Mathematical introduction”, Mexico 1964.
- “On conformally equivalent Riemannian spaces”, Mexico 1967. – contains, for example, complete formulas for conformal transformations of Minkowski spaces.
- “Lectures on non-linear electrodynamics: an extended version of lectures given by Jerzy Plebański at the Niels Bohr Institute and Nordita, Copenhagen in October 1968; Nordisk Institut for Teoretisk Atomfysik.”, Nordita, 1970.
- “Spinors, tetrads and forms”, part I, Mexico , ca. 1973.
- “Spinors, tetrads and forms”, part II, Mexico , ca. 1975.