Prof. Rosalinda Contreras Theurel, General Director of CINVESTAV, opening the event Prof. Gerardo Herrera, saying some word on the “Einstein’s academic grandson” Prof. Bogdan Mielnik, talking on “what Plebański didn’t like to do…” Prof. Hugo Compean, talking on the academic achivements of Plebański Prof. Hugo Compean, talking on the academic achivements of Plebański left to right: Prof. Jose Mustre De Leon (Academic Secretary of CINVESTAV), Prof. Plebański, Anna Plebańska (wife), Mrs. Tomaszewska, Embassador of Poland Mr. Wojciech Tomaszewski Prof. J. Mustre De Leon, unknown (back), Embassador of Poland Mr. W. Tomaszewski with wife Prof. Plebański, Mrs. Tomaszewska, Prof. J. Mustre De Leon, Embassador of Poland Mr. W. Tomaszewski Prof. G. Herrera, Prof. R. Contreras, Prof. Mielnik, unknown Jerzy Plebański Prof. J. Mustre De Leon, Prof. J. Plebański, Dr. G. Herrera Prof. J. Mustre De Leon, Prof. J. Plebański, Prof. H. Compean, Dr. G. Herrera